The Museum of Boring Objects was inspired by a talk given by David Small of Small Design Firm at Massachusetts College of Art and Design in 2012. He mentioned a facetious “boring objects museum” in passing, and I liked the idea as a platform for a code experiment. Some of these objects are more boring than others, but none of them come from a museum. I have touched and used all of them personally.
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Latest additions:
I have always been a collector.

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I created this project as an experiment to see whether it is possible to sort all posts in a Tumblr by tag, rather than the default of sorting them by date. Tumblr already allows authors and visitors to select and sort for one tag at a time (generating a page displaying only every post tagged "yellow") but there is not yet any way to display all posts simultaneously sorted by their tags rather than chronologically. This is what I set out to create, using the Museum of Boring Objects' holdings as a dataset.